Site Marketing Strategies – The Process You Need to Automate Website Traffic

by admin on March 12, 2010

Ok, your website isn’t getting enough targted traffic.  Now what? Get more website traffic of course!  Here, I’ll show you the exact site marketing strategies that you need in order to increase website traffic.

Step #1 – Make sure you have high value high quality content for people to read.

Obviosly, if you want to be a trusted source that people will remain loyal readers and customers, you need to give and not just take. This should be your number one focus among all of your site marketing strategies.   Take time to do some basic interent marketing research to discover their pains, passions and dreams of your market.  Then appeal to those emotions by addressing them with your quality content. 

It’s important not to always obsess over selling to your website visitors.  You must give to them first, in order to receive from them.

Remember, content is a must, but that alone will not make your website profitable. 

Step #2:  Syndicate Your Content

When you create content, repurose it in different formats such as video, powerpoint slides for slideshare, audio for podcast, exe files and pdf.   This gives you the ability to produce multiple search engine references to your main site and increase your ranking by a minimum of 200%.

Plus you build a massive amount of backlinks which drives your page rank through the roof.  You’ll quickly be at the top of search engines where people will find you, before they find anybody else.

Imagine what your life look like with that kind of increased visibility?

Here are some site marketing strategies that have generated over 1,920,813 visitors for my tiny websites, and put $39,400 profit in my account in just 5 weeks flat. Click Here Now to get this free video that will show you how to make it happen for your sites.

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