Internet Marketing Research – Secrets to Getting Your Visitors to Tell You What They Want

by admin on March 12, 2010

So you’re wondering why you’re not making enough sales on your webiste?  Maybe it’s time you asked your visitors what they want to buy.

The more you learn about your website traffic, the more money you will make from them.  Making money online really is just as simple as that.  And doing that kind of internet marketing research really boils down to just 2 very simple steps.

Step #1 – Ask your subscribers what they want the moment they sign on your newsletter.

The moment you get a brand new subscriber is the perfect time to begin your internet marketing research.  Start off by sending them a thank you email, and ask them what they are looking to buy from you.

You’ll be amazed at how many people email you right back and tell you what they want.  

Step #2 – Get feedback from customers when they make a purchase.

Feedback is the most important and logical source of information for improving and developing products and meeting market demand in your niche.  So be sure to establish a simple feedback system of internet marketing research to give your customers when they buy your products.  If they can tell you what they liked or didn’t like, or if something was missing, you can create a better product, and that gives you a better way to sell to new customers.

So stay focused on implementing internet marketing research in your niche market.  It’s simple when you just use these two steps and it will increase your sales and profits.
Here’s an automated targeted traffic system that has generated over 1,920,813 visitors for my tiny websites, and put $39,400 profit in my account in just 5 weeks flat. Click Here Now to get this free video that will show you how to make it happen for your sites.

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